615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

September 17, 2020 – Minutes

In Attendance:
Shelly K., Kelly T., Becca B., Lauren L., Stacey T., Amanda S., Jessica V., Jeff L., Christie R.

  1. Welcome and Introductions – Shelly Karren/Kelly Tauteoli

  2. Election of SCC Officers & Related Business
    Chair- Jessica Vidal   
    Co-chair- Lauren Lambert

  3. Update on School During COVID-19
    1. Canvas- Teachers helping students to navigate effectively
    2. On-line 200+ students online. Teachers have been very communicative with students, grading assignments, giving good feedback, organized.
      Teachers have district online curriculum to use.
    3. In-person- When students feel sick, 90% of work is still online so they can still keep up if they need to be kept home. Parents applaud teachers…“Amazing”.
    4. There has been 1 case of COVID-19 here at school. Effected a very small number of students. All other students have stayed home when they were sick so there were no contact tracing quarantines.
    5. Cleaning- Custodians are cleaning high touch areas many times a day.
    6. Lunches- 3 lunches implemented, lines on floor, dots on floor to wait their turn. Kids are spread out on tables. Kids are able to eat outside.
    7. October 1st form open to parents to submit to change on-line or in person. Choices due by Oct. 12.
    8. Parents like the Chromebooks. Helps students to focus. Teachers notice some students getting on the wrong websites.

  4. Update on new building:  Kelly Tauteoli showed a picture of what the new building will look like.

  5. Cell Tower Expenditures—see info below

  6. Meeting Schedule & SCC Trainings  (See below)

  7. Parents were impressed with how the death of a Union Student was handled, (ie talking to kids in each class, email from Kelly, working with troubled students).

UMS Cell Tower Expenditures 2020-21

$3000 Each Year (There is currently $4400 in this account.)

We would like to suggest 3 spending categories for approval:

1) PBIS Student Rewards
Rewards for students, teams, grade levels for accumulation of CATS/PBIS points

Examples include:

  • Mini-candy bars
  • UMS water bottles
  • UMS T-shirts
  • Ice cream/cookie class rewards
  • UMS pencils
  • UMS bracelets

 2) Field Trip/Festival Buses*

Examples include:

  • Debate Buses
  • Dance Fieldtrip
  • Festival Bussing

 3) Teacher Recognitions/Expenditures

Examples include:

  • Teacher appreciation
  • Waffle Breakfasts (monthly)

Any of these areas that have a single expenditure over $1000 would need individual approval by the School Community Council. 

Everyone was in favor of these expenditures.

Meeting Schedule and District SCC Trainings for 2020-21

Next Meeting at Union Middle School:  Thursday, November 19th at 6:00 p.m. 

In October, SCC members will attend district SCC training.

2020 In-person SCC Training Dates

All events are in PDC (Canyons Center) at the Canyons Administration Building 9361 South 300 East. Each in-person training will last approximately 1 ½  hours and will be limited to 30 people per session.  In-person training dates:

October 1, 2020        1:00 – 2:30 p.m.        SCC Training 
                                     6:30 – 8 :00 p.m.      SCC Training                     

October 13, 2020      10:00 – 11:30 a.m.    SCC Training
                                     6:30 – 8:00 p.m.        SCC Training

SCC Training will be offered both online and in-person. We will release the online training module for both SCC training and SCC101 (introduction to SCC) as soon as they are ready. You will be notified when these are online. New members should watch both, returning members only need to watch SCC Training.