615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

October 27, 2022 – Minutes

Union Middle School
School Community Council
Oct 27, 2022

Agenda and Meeting Notes

  1. Welcome
  2. Approve September 15th minutes Approved motion Jeremy 2nd
  3. Update on Union Rebuild (Brenda)
    • Discussed the windows going into the building and everything is on time
  4. Names for wings in new building
    • Discussed getting students involved in coming up with names
  5. School Safety plan
    • Discussed Union’s safety plan and evacuation
  6. Digital Citizenship
    • Went over the digital citizenship slide show from
  7. Discussion of quarter due dates
    • We discussed having a deadline for students to work at mid-term or even at the end of the unit. Further discussion will take place.
  8. PBIS awards/ Attendance awards
    • Talked about the team attendance competition and PSIS rewards
  9. Any
    • No concerns brought

Meeting Schedule for 2022-23

The next Meeting at Union Middle School: November 17th at 6:00 p.m.