615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

October 26, 2023 – Minutes

Union Middle School
SCC Minutes
Oct 26, 2023
Agenda and Minutes 

In Attendance:
Brenda McCann
Ashley Backman
Jeremy Hodgson
Roger Moody – presenter
Elaine Zhang – presenter
Matt Braila
Veronica Reginato

Officers chosen: Ashley Backman President, 

Vice President: Jeremy Hodgson

1. Digital Citizenship Update:

Elaine Zhang explained the digital citizenship plan and there were no changes needed by SCC.  Some of things she discussed were students browsing history can be pulled at any time by the school.  

There are different filters from the district depending on school levels. (Elementary, Middle School and High School).  

Teachers can use Lan school in their classrooms to be able to see all students’ screens.  This allows them to monitor the student’s screens. 

The district is looking at restricting cell phone use in the school.  As a school there is some discussion about not having cell phones or chrome books being used during lunch or at passing times.  Further discussion will take place.

SCC was interested in knowing how many parents are reading Parent Square.  I told them we would look into the data.  Add the weekly newsletter to the website.

2. Safe Walking Route was approved.  Asked if the Vape shop down the street was legal.

3. Lego League: Was started and there are 17 students signed up.  They are meeting in Kapp’s room.

Next Meeting: November 16, 2023 in main conference room