615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

November 18, 2021 – Minutes

Union Middle School
School Community Council
Meeting Notes

  1. Digital Citizenship Update
    1. Content Keeper – CSD filter system which also sends alerts to the school administrators if a student on a Chromebook (at school or at home) does an inappropriate search using a key word.
    2. Any student search involving self-harm or suicide goes immediately to a school administrator. The administrator or counselor would contact the parents to let them know.
    3. The filter level is highest at the elementary level. At middle school, students can access YouTube.
  2. Possible Afterschool STEM Opportunities – The SCC would like to see students have access to some STEM instruction after school, as it has been too hard to fit into the school day with FTE restrictions. We could start with coding and robotics.  Some other possibilities include instruction in the Adobe Suite (photoshop, etc.) and Engineering/Drafting.  Kelly and Ross will make some inquiries and get back to the council members sometime in December.  We’d like to have some classes beginning in January, if possible.
  3. Updating Union Bylaws – Council members voted unanimously to make the following changes in the bylaws:

Section 1-1 – A request for volunteers to serve on the SCC will be sent out to parents during the month of July.

Section 1-2 – The names of those interested in serving on the SCC will be collected by the second week of August prior to the beginning of the school year.

Section 1-5 – If an election is necessary, ballots will be emailed to all parents by August 16th.

Section 1-6 – Voting will take place from August 16th through August 30th.

Section 5-1 – Chair:  Creates agendas, conducts the meetings, and other duties as outlined in Canyons School District policy and state statute.

Section 6-1 – Teacher Student Success Plan (TSSP)


  1. Data Review of RISE, Reading Inventory and Math Inventory

We saw some slight losses on RISE and the reading and math screeners from learning loss due to Covid-19.  However, we saw the same decline throughout the district, state, and nation.


We had higher than the district average growth on RISE in ELA, Math and Science for our English Language Learners.

We had higher than the district average growth on RISE in ELA and Science for our Special Education Students. 

Next Meeting:  Thursday, February 16th, 2021 – 6:30 pm in the Union Media Center