615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

February 18, 2021 – Minutes

         Union Middle School         
School Community Council
February 18, 2021

Attending: Kelly Tauteoli, Shelly Karren, Christie Robinson, Jeff Landeen, Lauren Lambert, Stacey Timmerman, Jessica Vidal

  1. Data:  Reading Inventory and Math Inventory Winter Scores and 2ndQuarter Online Data

Reading Inventory Scores were presented from 2017-2021. Overall proficiency was higher than last year. Online students were not represented.

Math Inventory scores: This year we started out in the Fall with lower scores but we caught up fast. We have made plans to catch up for next year.

We had 197 online students during quarter 2. Of these, 47 students had 0 NP’s. 150 students had 1 or more classes they didn’t pass. Of these 150 students, 25 are SPED and 11 are English Language Learners. Of these 150 students, 45 have come back to school for in-person learning

  1. Update on Union Rebuild

Hogan Construction will be the contractor. They will have a ground breaking ceremony on April 22 at 5:30 pm. They will start work behind the school. They will use 7800 South for construction traffic. They will use the old seminary building as their construction headquarters. At the end of the year, they will take out the 400 hall. We will move those classrooms into different classrooms throughout the school.

  1. Preliminary discussion about Land Trust and TSSA

As we know that we will get students who are behind in learning, we want to provide extra math and reading supports. We would like to have 3 days for teachers to meet during the Summer to develop curriculum for all levels, as well as accelerated projects for students.

We are still waiting to see what our FTE is, to see how to spend those monies.  We will use COVID grant monies for Math lab class next year and share the teacher with Butler Middle School.

  1. Next Year

We will probably be starting next year wearing masks. Hopefully by second semester everyone will be able to take them off.

The district is still offering an online option with district teachers only. From now on teachers will be providing canvas on assignments and will have Chromebooks for each student.

Next Meeting:  Thursday, March 18th at 6:30 pm in the Union Media Center.  Please note the slight change in time.