Principal’s Message
Our students have participated in many events over the last few weeks. Our choir students performed in front of their families and peers last week in our cafeteria. It was a packed house and the students did an awesome job. Our first debate team participated in their first debate competition at Mt Jordan Middle School. This last Saturday our first Lego league team competed at Hillcrest High school. We had 2 teams participate in this event where they had programed their robots to complete certain tasks. Our dance company had the opportunity to perform at Hillcrest High School dance concert. All students are welcome to participate in any of our after school programs. We encourage students to get involved. If your student is interested in any after school programs have them come to the attendance office and find out more information.
Parenting Classes Coming Soon! Start Date Correction
I think we can all agree it is hard raising a teenager these days. Because of this, we’ve taken the opportunity to invite Diana Johnson with Salt Lake County to come to our school and teach parenting classes. They will be held every Tuesday starting February 6th; from 6 pm – 8 pm in our brand new Bobcat Den. Below are the topics that will be covered in each of the classes. We hope this will also be an opportunity to connect with other parents in our Bobcat community. *Dinner will be served.* Contact me, Dinitri Jackson, with any questions.
Stay Connected with your Teen class details:
It is for caregivers/parents of teens aged 12-17 and the teen does not attend. I provide the adults with activities to do with their teen(s) at home, with the material they learned about in the workshop. It lasts 5 weeks.
Class #1 focuses on teen development, risk factors and protective factors.
Class #2 focuses on parenting responses, family meetings, making decisions & solving family problems.
Class #3 focuses on communication, active listening, managing anger & managing family conflict.
Class #4 focuses on involvement, setting family rules/guidelines, negotiating & consequences.
Class #5 focuses on teen influences, social supports, Refusal Skills and supervising without invading.
Lost and Found
Bobcats! Please look through the lost and found cabinets located under the stairs between the green and purple pods to claim any hoodies, coats, water bottles, hats, etc. All items that are left by the end of the month will be donated to the Road Home.
January Attendance Competition
Teachers are still tracking their students attendance this month in hopes their pod will win the January attendance competition. The winning team will get 5 mins added onto their lunch on a day of their choice in February. Be at school and on time all month to help your pod win!
Magazine Donations Needed
Do you have old magazines or catalogues taking up space? Donate them to our health classes for a project they’d like to do this coming semester. Send them with your students to give to Ms. Dimapilis.
Yearbook Group Photo Day is Coming
Wednesday, January 24th will be our group photo day for the yearbook. This will start in the 1st period of the day and will likely finish by the end of the 3rd period. If your student is in a group, please make sure they’re here that day. Also, just a reminder yearbooks are for sale this year and are not free for students. $15 on your Skyward account.
A Message from the Counseling Center
Ms. Nelson and Ms. Robinson will be out of the office January 16-19. You can send an email, and we will respond when we return. If it is an emergency, you can contact the Counseling Center at 801-826-7507 or the Main Office at 801-826-7500.
We have recently had an uptick of cases of anxiety. To help provide additional supports to students, we have had our NJHS students lead the school in a mindful minute. We are hoping giving all students access to skills they get to practice every day will help support them with their mental health and their academics. If you’re looking to reinforce mindfulness at home, below is a link to Beating The Fear That You’re Not Good Enough. The more skills that are available and taught to students, the more resilient they can become!
Union has seen more instances of racial slurs, name calling, telling others to kill themselves, and additional inappropriate language. As we try to increase positive, kind language in the school, we will ask any students with reports of inappropriate language to join a group about using appropriate language.
In addition to a group about appropriate language, we are hosting a group on executive functioning. If you feel like your student would benefit from learning organizational, time management, self-control, or task initiation skills, please fill out this survey.
Friendly reminder as we start the new quarter, there will not be any schedule changes.
Bobcat Shoutout
Check out all the amazing accomplishments by our students in the last couple of weeks from the amazing performances of our Choir group to our students who participated in Lego League.