615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Weekly Newsletter

Principal’s Message

Join us in celebrating our students, families and staff at our cultural night on Wednesday. See below for details. It will be the first annual event. We’re excited for new traditions in our new building. We’d love to have the support of our families and the community.

Remember that the mid-term deadline is this Friday, for 4th quarter.  All of your student’s schoolwork must be turned in before that date for the first half of 4th quarter.  Please review your student’s grades and missing work on Skyward. Contact the office for assistance.

Rise testing for this year will be from May 6th to May 17th with make-ups from May 20th to May 24th.

Lagoon Day for 8th graders is on May 28th. There will be no school that day for 8th graders that choose not to attend Lagoon.

Thank you for all your support and efforts for Union Middle School.  We have the best community.

Union United is Wednesday

This Wednesday, April 24 from 6:00 – 8:00pm, come celebrate with us! Our students have been working hard on projects and presentations. Please come show them your support. There will be craft tables and community organizations sharing the great things they do in our community. We will also have a free taco truck! Come join us for a night of celebration! **Enter through the north side of the building through the gym.*

Interested in Advanced Theater?

Auditions are Thursday, 4/25 and Friday, 4/26. Prepare two monologues, 30 seconds – 1 minute each, memorized. Scan the QR code in the flyer to sign up for an audition time. Open to all current 7th graders. Email: brooke.grant@csddocs.org with any questions.

Bobcat Shoutouts

Congratulations to our Advanced Theatre classes for putting on amazing shows last week! We’re so fortunate to have such talented staff and students!

Congratulations to our DLI students in taking 2nd place in Espanolandia last week! We’re so proud!

Reminders from Student Services

8th grade students,
Your Q4 grades determine if you are eligible to participate in any high school fall activity. If you are planning to be involved in any extracurriculars during high school, please ensure you’re reaching a minimum 2.0 GPA (C average).

We have recently finished our Executive Functioning groups and High School Prep group. We are in the middle of our STRONG (Supporting Transition Resilience of Newcomer Groups) curriculum, and look forward to working with these selected students through May. A DBT Girls Group will be starting within the next few weeks, and we are excited to help provide coping, resilience, and social skills to these students.

As a reminder, students who receive discipline referrals for telling others to ‘go kill yourself’ will be meeting with a counselor for a lesson on empathy, how words harm, and make a plan to move forward with kindness.

ParentGuidance.org is a wonderful resource for parents and students. It provides courses and discords on many aspects of life, including talking about suicidality with your teens, harmful effects of vaping or pornography, watching and helping with eating disorders, and more. We strongly encourage parents to utilize this resource! One we have enjoyed recently, is R.E.A.L. Relationships. This course focuses on the important foundations of building healthy relationships and looks towards the power of empathy to help guide interactions. Reinforcing social emotional skills taught at school by teaching them at home, helps parents to raise resilient kids. We hope you join us in gaining additional skills to support Union students.


PTSA News and Updates

The PTSA needs help next year. If you can volunteer to hep with any of these, PLEASE call or text 801-455-0800:

  • Reflections
  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Steam Week
  • Steam Activity Night
  • PTSA Student Club
  • President Elect

Send an email to PTSA.Union.Middle@gmail.com if interested or for more information.
Vice President – Take over in 2025-2026
Secretary – Keep minutes, track volunteer hours
Legislative VP – Manage the PTSA Student Club.  Make sure Spirit days  chair have what they need.
Education VP – Make sure the following chair people have what they need –  (Honor roll party, STEM Programs, Red Ribbon Week)

Teacher Appreciation – Manage teacher appreciation events (4 times a year)

Event Chairs
Red Ribbon Week – 1 week of events
STEM Week Char – 1 week of events
Monthly STEM Night events – once a month
Reflections – August thru November, May .  Seems like a lot but if you like the arts it’s a great experience.
Honor Roll Parties – 3 times a year

April Activities
4/23/2024 –  Classic Fun Center night – UMS students and families skate for free.
4/25/2024 – PTSA General Meeting 7pm to 8pm  meet.google.com/mwt-jsga-wxv
4/26/2024 – PTSA Spirit Day lunch activity

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Questions, comments, concerns feel free to contact the PTSA at PTSA.Union.Middle@gmail.com