615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

The Reflections Contest: What You Need to Know

“I will change the world by…” is this year’s Reflections theme.  Share how you would like to change the world by entering the Reflections contest.  Categories for the contest include: dance, film, literature, music composition, photography, visual art, and 3-D art.  The judging of entries will be heavily weighted on how the student’s entry connects with the theme, so please make sure to include the theme “I will change the world by…” in the chosen art category.

Parents will need to register his/her child at www.PTA.org/reflections.  Once registered, entries can be uploaded directly to the website.  All entries are due October 21st.  We hope many of our Union students will participate.