615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Join Student Ambassadors or NJHS

Student Ambassadors


The UMS ambassadors are a group of students who represent the school as positive and thoughtful good-will citizens.  They interact with all age groups and are responsible for creating a positive atmosphere. The ambassadors work with staff, students, and community members to promote school spirit, and to provide honest and thoughtful information concerning issues affection Union Middle School students. In all circumstances Students are seen as positive role models and are constant reflection of Union Middle School family. 


If you are interested in joining Student Ambassadors, please fill out the application below. 

The National Junior Honor Society are a group of students who represent those who have ascertained a certain academic standard of achievement. NJHS members must meet certain criteria for membership: 

  • You must maintain a 3.5 GPA for each grading period
  • You must complete 24 service hours for the whole year (preferably split it up into 8 hours per quarter)
  • You must attend at least 75% of the meetings
  • You CANNOT get any office referrals while being in NJHS
  • You will be looked upon as a student leader by UMS staff and students
  • You will help with all service projects that you can attend throughout the year.

If you meet these requirements, you may apply for NJHS for the 2023-24 school year. Click below for application.