615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Digital Citizenship Week: October 16-18

Canyons School District recognizes the importance and wants to celebrate Digital Citizenship for students of all ages as they navigate this increasingly digital world! To highlight this essential skill set, Digital Citizenship Week will take place October 16-18, 2023.  This year students will be engaging in activities and discussions that empower students to seek balance in their technology use and be aware of their online actions.  

At Union students can participate in 2 activities.  The first activity involves students taking a break from non-productive screen use from Friday, Oct. 13 to Sunday, Oct. 15.  Students are asked to find alternative ways to spend their time that does not involve screen use.  To participate, students can pick up a participation form from Ms. Zhang in room 2308 and after the 3 days when students have met their goal, parents are asked to sign the form verifying successful accomplishment of reducing screen time.  Participation forms must be picked up by Friday, October 13 and returned by no later than Wednesday, October 18.   

The second activity has students quizzing themselves on how much they know about digital citizenship and safety.  A Quizziz game will be posted on the website during Digital Citizenship Week.  The first 75 students who complete the Quizziz will earn treats.  Completion of both activities will earn students a treat.  The ultimate goal of these activities is to help our students navigate the digital age safely and in a more healthy manner.