Union Performing Arts Presents “Awesome Mix Vol. 1”
Good afternoon,We are so excited for the school musical this week. This year since we do not have an auditorium yet, the Union performing arts department have decided to do multiple mini shows that we have done in the past. Some of the shows are “You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown”, “James the Giant Peach”, “Joseph Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat”, to name just a few. Please join us for the following show times:
Wednesday, Nov 15th 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m 8:00 to 9:00 p.m.,
Thursday, Nov 16th 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m. Friday, Nov 17th 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m and 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Saturday, Nov 18th 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Purchase tickets at: umspa.yapsody.com
Thanksgiving Meal Support
If your family could use some support in getting a Thanksgiving meal or any other community resources, please contact me directly.
Message Dinitri Jackson on ParentSquare | Call: 801 – 826 -7504 | email: dinitri.jackson@canyonsdistrict.org
Food Drive
We’re coming together as a school to donate food to the Utah Food Bank. The Union Middle food drive is going until 11/20. There will be bins set up outside students ELA classes for you to place your donated food items. The team that donates the most food wins a donut party.
Part Time Position
We need a critical needs paraeducator. Click here to see the job posting with details.
Help Keep Our New Building Beautiful
We are so grateful to have such a beautiful new building that was paid for by your tax dollars. Our teachers and staff want to make sure the building stays well-kept and clean for years to come. We are starting to see an uptick in gum being chewed by students. As you can imagine, some of this gum is ending up in our new carpet, under desks, and other inappropriate places. We do have a strict no gum policy at Union. Please help your students understand this and we do appreciate your support.
Checking Out Students
Our new building is a lot bigger than our old building. If you’re checking your student out of school early, please be patient with our office staff and aids. It takes a few minutes to grab students from their classes. Because of this we ask that you account for that time when checking students out. Also, if you’re checking out at the end of the day we ask you come no later than 2:30, when possible. Thank you for understanding.
Our New Library!
We are excited for our library to be ready for students! Ms. Zhang says she will be ready to open to the students next Monday, November 20 just in time for the Thanksgiving week! We are stocking it with 4000 brand new books which are due to arrive and be shelved this week.
Ms. Zhang worked hard to make sure your students still had access to books and made a makeshift library out of an extra classroom. We’re so grateful to her for her flexibility and passion for our students literacy and fostering a love for reading within them.

Support PTSA
PTSA Spirit night at Handles Ice Cream – 11/14/2023 5pm to 9pm. Come and enjoy some of the best ice cream in town. 20% of the proceeds will be donated to Union Middle PTSA. These funds will also be counted toward the carnival movie night fundraiser. Don’t forget to mention Union Middle Fundraiser at checkout. 6933 S 1300 E Midvale Ut 84047.
Wouldn’t it be awesome to put a big screen up in the new field and watch a movie under the stars? The PTSA will make it happen if we can reach our fundraising goals.
All it will take is $15.00 per student. So far we have raised 2,800.00. So close to our first prize at $4,000.00
To Donate go to https://app.memberhub.gives/ums/. You can also donate by bringing your donation to the office. Please put it in an envelope with the students name and grade.
Make checks payable to Union Middle PTSA.
Support the PTSA while you shop https://www.givebacks.com/referrals/B64C105A3A . All funds raised in October, November, December will be included in the carnival movie night fundraiser.
This Month’s PTSA events –
PTSA Student club meeting – During school – 11/10
PTSA Honor Roll Party – During school – 11/17
PTSA Sprit Day Lunch activity – 11/17
PTSA Board Meeting – 11/30 12pm to 1pm in the counseling conference room. meet.google.com/hrg-ekbh-spt ·
Save the date: PTSA Family Engagement Night 12/12/2023 5:30 to 8:30 – Classic Skating – Sponsored by Silcox Orthodontics. More information coming soon.
What’s going on toda
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Questions, comments, concerns feel free to contact the PTSA at PTSA.Union.Middle@gmail.com