Principal’s Message
Remember we have tutoring Monday and Thursday of each week. The tutoring sessions go from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Students need to be in the tutoring session right at 3:00 p.m. This is a good time for your student to receive help with any missing assignments and retake tests for any of their classes. As a parent/guardian you can log into Skyward and see your student’s missing assignments and their test scores. If you do not know your family Skyward log in information please contact our attendance office. They will be able to help you get your log in. We have afternoon clubs they are being run weekly. The chess club is on Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in room 1511. Debate is taking place on Thursday’s from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. talk with Mr. Schlesinger or Ms. Hapairai for details. We have started a Lego club this year where they will be compete in January 2024. If you are interested in robotics talk with Mr. Kapp. We are so lucky to have such awesome students and parents here at Union Middle School. Thanks for your support.
Brenda McCann
Principal Union Middle School
PTSA Family Engagement Night – December 12
Join us at Classic Fun Center, 9151 S. 255 W, tomorrow 5pm-8:30pm for a FREE skate night for the family. ($3 skate rental not included) There will also be $10 unlimited passes available.
Some of Our Favorite Things
Looking to surprise your favorite teacher or staff member with a special treat this holiday season? Take a look at this list for some ideas. Union staff favorite things list.
Safety First!
Parents- we are seeing some drivers around the major intersections of the school not aware of the students that are present, resulting in some potentially dangerous situations. If your student walks to or from the school, please take a moment and remind your student to be safe when crossing any of the streets surrounding the school as some drivers are not always paying attention to their surroundings. We have invited Sandy PD’s traffic team to monitor these major intersections more closely going forward. Go Bobcats!
School Spirit Days
If you have an Ugly Sweater, wear it this Friday, December 15 for Spirit Day. Also, next Tuesday, December 19 is Pajama Day so make sure to wear PJs to school.
Medicaid/CHIP Event at the District
Do you need help signing up for Medicaid or CHIP? On January 4th, 5pm – 7pm, at the Canyons Center at the district office, there will be people there to walk you through the process so you can make sure your student is covered for the new year. Did you know starting in January 2000 children without documents will be eligible to be covered by Medicaid/CHIP. This is a great opportunity and we want our families to be part of it.
Get to class on time!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As you are aware, we have a brand new, large, and beautiful building. As the school year started, teachers and admin were very lenient with marking kids tardy as they learned to navigate the halls and their new classes. Now that we are 2 months in, we are expecting all students to be on time in each and every class. Please look at Skyward to check your child’s attendance, and have a conversation with them about tardies. It is very disruptive to the teacher and other students when a few kids walk in late each day. As a school we will soon be announcing rewards, no tardy parties, and other incentives for those who have great attendance. On the flip side, we will start implementing lunch detentions, parent meetings, and other supports for those who are consistently late. As a staff, we appreciate your support of our students and school.
A Huge Thank You!
We are so grateful for our head custodian and our custodial staff who work so hard to stay on top of keeping this huge building clean safe for our students, families and staff. THANK YOU ANDY for all you do! It doesn’t go unnoticed.
Bravo to Our Concert Choir
They performed the National Anthom at the U of U vs. BYU basketball game over the weekend and we’re so proud!

Standing ovation for our Advanced Orchestra
They held a concert at Hillcrest High and did a wonderful job!