Bobcat Newsletter, August 25
Welcome Back Bobcats! We are excited to start a new school year with you!
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Get to know your administration

Important Dates:
September 1 & 2, Upper East Parking lot will be closed due to construction
September 5, Labor Day No School for students
September 9, School Picture Day
September 27 & 28, Parent Teacher Conference
September 30, No School for Students
Union Middle Attendance Information:
Attendance is a significant factor affecting student achievement in school. To afford students, the opportunity to be academically successful and responsible citizens.
Union Middle School expects students to be in class, prepared, and on time each day.
Tardiness (T): Students are expected to be on time to class. Student up to 10 minutes late will be marked with a “T”. Students more than 10 minutes late will be marked with a “W”. Excessive tardiness will be addressed by teachers and administration.
Unexcused Absences (A): Absences are considered unexcused until they have been cleared by a legal guardian.
Verified Truant (A-VT): Students wandering the hallways and school campus during school hours without teacher or administrative permission will be marked verified truant.
Excused Extended Absences: Excused absences of 4 to 10 consecutive days are considered “Educational/Vacation Leave” and require an administrator’s approval. Excused Education/Vacation Leave Forms can be found in the attendance office. Student/Parent will need to notify all teachers and collect schoolwork accordingly.
Truancy: Students will be referred to their administrator when absences become excessive. Student absences will be classified as excessive when student’s attendance drops below 85% and/or the student has missed 5 or more days of school.
Excused Absences (E): Contact our attendance office to excuse absence (801- 826-7500). Absences can only be excused by a legal parent/guardian.
Early Out Fridays
Come fall, the end of every school week in Canyons District will be dedicated the building the bright futures of students through high-quality teaching practices. Starting in August, all Canyons elementary, middle, and high schools will release roughly 90 minutes early on Fridays. When the week’s last school bell rings an hour and a half earlier than other days, teachers in all grade levels and content areas will spend the afternoon working in teams to enhance their instruction, strengthen districtwide core and elective programs, and increase student achievement. The majority of CSD schools — 28 elementaries — are used to releasing early on Fridays. Canyons’ eight middle schools, however, will switch from late-start Fridays to early-out Fridays. An early-out Friday schedule will be new to all CSD high schools, although Alta High parents should take note that classes will release early on Fridays instead of starting late on Tuesdays. A districtwide early-out Friday schedule is more family friendly for those with children of varying ages, creates a uniform time when all teachers, regardless of their grade level or school, can discuss best practices in a structured manner, and carves out time for our educators and principals to brainstorm and build plans to address demonstrated student-learning needs. During Back-to-School Registration in the fall, please take note of any changes to the bell and bus schedules for your child’s school on Fridays. Questions or feedback? Please send an email message to communications@canyonsdistrict.org.
Cell Phone Policy
Cell phones are to be hidden (locker and backpack) and silent during class time. This means BELL TO BELL.
- Students may use their phones during passing periods
- Students may use their phones at lunch time
With 1:1 chrome book, students should be able to access all learning tools needed with their computers.
- Students may NOT use their phones during class time- even when using a pass for the restroom or water fountain
- First offense- Teachers will give student a warning to put cell phone away.
- Second offense – Taken to the office, picked up at the end of the day.
- Third offense- parent/ guardian must pick up the phone from the office.
Dress Code:
Please see the district dress code policy at Policy 500.02 – Student Conduct and Disciplinary Process The picture below will help you with a visual picture of how your student should look when going to school.
Your school clothes must cover the areas in blue.
- There should be school appropriate images and language on clothing.