615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Counseling Center

Dual Language Immersion (DLI)

The Dual Language Immersion program seeks to enroll students of varying background and all abilities.  The DLI program is open to 6 – 8th grade students who are currently participating in the Canyons School District elementary and middle school Dual Immersion programs.  

At Union Middle School we offer the Spanish language.  Elementary school students from Silver Mesa come to Union to participate in our DLI program.

The Dual Immersion program is designed to build academic fluency in both English and a second language.  Students have the opportunity to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in two languages.  The program has three goals:

  1. Bilingualism: High levels of proficiency in English and in a second language (Chinese, French, Spanish)
  2. Biliteracy: High levels of academic achievement in English and in Spanish in all content areas
  3. Multicultural Competence: Understanding different cultures and development of high esteem