615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Principal’s Message to Parent


In light of the Governor’s and State Superintendent’s recent declarations, I wanted to send our families an update so you would know what to expect for your middle school students in the coming weeks.

School is closed from Monday, March 16th through Friday, March 27th. The state has granted a waiver for these days; they will not have to be made up. At the end of the two weeks, the state will re-evaluate and determine what our next steps will be. 

The following information will guide us through the next two weeks.

  • Monday and Tuesday, March 16th and 17th—Office Hours 8-3

o   Students may check into the main office to go to lockers to obtain personal belongings.

o   Teachers will be unavailable as they will be planning and working with their departments to prepare student learning opportunities. 

  • On Wednesday, March 18th—Office Hours 8-3

o   An email will be sent to families on Wednesday morning with student learning information.  A hard copy will be available in the main office for students who cannot access it online.

o   Student learning opportunities will be made available online or as a hard copy for students who cannot access it online

o   Hard copies can be picked up in the Main Office during office hours for students who cannot access it online.  

  • Thursdays, March 19 – Friday March 27—Office Hours 8-3

o   Teachers, Administrators, and Staff will be working in teams and on school items as well as answering emails and responding to phone calls or messages.

  • The grading term (3rd Quarter) will be extended until after our return to school.  We do not have the details of this at this time.  Information on Wednesday will give guidance on completing currently missing work.

All sporting events, tryouts, practices, and performances have been canceled for at least two weeks.  All night school and community education classes have also been canceled.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact the school. We know that this situation is not ideal, and we appreciate your flexibility and concern for our school community.  I will continue to update you as we receive more information.

Thank you for your understanding and support.


Kelly Tauteoli