615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Preparing for RISE Testing

Union will begin RISE testing at the start of May.  The following is the schedule for when each subject test will be administered: 

  • May 1 – 4 : English Language Arts and Science
  • May 8 – 11 : Math and Writing
Students can be prepared for the RISE test by doing the following:  
  • Make sure to bring his/her CHARGED  Chromebook to school every day.
  • Get a good night’s sleep prior to testing days.
  • Eat a breakfast at home or grab a school breakfast so he/she is not feeling hungry before lunch.  
  • Arrive to school on time as testing will begin promptly at the start of class.

Thank you for helping to support the success of every student during this testing period.