615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

Message from the Principal (4/22)


Dear Parents and Guardians,

Dance Company Auditions

If you are going into 8th grade, and are interested in being on Dance Company for the 2020/21 school year, please join this Canvas course: https://canyons.instructure.com/enroll/6B7B4L. For more audition information and to submit an audition application & video. All videos and audition applications are due by Monday, May 4th. Please contact Ms. Paulsen (roxanne.paulsen@canyonsdistrict.org ) with any questions!

Mental Health Assistance

To address the growing need for mental health supports, the Canyons Department of Responsive Services is launching an online behavioral supports request form. A CSD representative will respond to all requests within 24 hours, Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. 

Locker Clean Out, Etc.

Monday, May 18th – Friday, May 29th  –  We will have students clean out lockers, turn in Chromebooks, musical instruments and library books, and pick up art projects.  More specific information to follow.

Grading for 4th Quarter, 2020

Last night the Canyons Board of Education approved a grading framework for the 4th Quarter, 2020.  Below I have important end of the year calendar items and then the district grading information for secondary schools:

Important Calendar Items For the End of the School Year

Friday, May 15th – End of new instruction for all content areas (no new work assigned)

Friday, May 22nd – All late and missing work is due

Friday, May 29th – Teachers will finalize grades


Canyons Secondary Grading for Quarter 4, 2020:


  • To provide a report of student learning on prioritized standards during the Final Grading Period 2020.
  • To afford students and teachers the flexibility considering the unanticipated challenges of remote learning.

Grading Scale

  • Letter grades (A, B) will be awarded according to calculation methods established by Secondary Leadership.  There will be modifications to the grading scale with the addition of a Pass (P) and an Incomplete (I for high schools) and a No Grade (NG middle schools).
  • Modification explanations:
    • Students who do not earn an A or B will be able to earn a P for a passing grade.
    • In accordance with recommendations from State Superintendent Dickson, No F’s will be awarded during the Final Grading Period 2020.  Any grade that would have been an F will be automatically replaced with an Iat the high school level and an NG at the middle school level.
    • The table below identifies the grades and percentages a student may earn as well as the effect on graduation credit (9th-12th grades) and high school GPA (term and cumulative).

Grade (Percentages for 6-12)

Yields Credit (Grades 9-12)

Affects GPA

A = 85-100 %

B = 70-84%




Pass (P) = 45-69%




Incomplete (I)

No Grade (NG)



Fail (F)

Not available for the Final Grading Period 2020

Not available for the Final Grading Period 2020


Additional Information on Pass (P) Grades

  • Passing grades will be automatically assigned to any student who falls into the 45-69% range of grading calculation.
  • If students or parents at the high school level are concerned about scholarships, NCAA eligibility, or college admission requirements, they should consult a school counselor or administrator.

Additional Information on I (Incomplete) and NG (No Grade) Grades

  • I and NG grades awarded during the Final Grading Period 2020 will NOT automatically convert to an F grade after a period of time.  They will remain on the transcript as an I at the high school level unless modified by grade change or grade replacement procedures that will be available at individual schools.  The middle school will keep the NG on transcripts since grades are not credit bearing in grades 6-8. 


  • No citizenship grades will be given during the Final Grading Period 2020.

Hang in there.  We know that students are missing their friends and it’s harder for them to concentrate as the weather gets nicer outside.   We also understand that are many different circumstances and stressors out there; just do your best – that’s basically all we can do right now!


Kelly Tauteoli