615 E. 8000 South, Sandy, Utah 84070

Spanish Dual Language Immersion School

How to Complete Online Registration

Hello Bobcat families!

Online registration begins Monday, 8/5. This is the same online registration done every school year. See below for steps to complete registration.

  • Go to Skyward Family/Student Access. (this can be accessed via the canyons district website, canyonsdistrict.org, under ‘Students & Parents’) Log in using your username and password. **If you have trouble logging in, use the ‘Forgot your login/password’ link. If you’re still having trouble, please contact us. We’re happy to help. Main office: 801-826-7500.
  • Once logged in, there will be a link to begin online registration. Answer all questions and be sure to hit the ‘Complete step’ button at the bottom of each page. **Please be sure to complete ALL steps. Green check marks down the right side of the page will show you which steps are complete. 
  • At the end you will pay fees associated with registration and classes for which your student is registered. 
    • Registration fee is $35 for all students.
    • 6th graders will have an additional $20 fee for the College and Career Awareness class.
    • Other classes that have additional fees include: 
      • Dance 1
      • Dance 2
      • Art Foundation 1
      • Ceramics 1
      • Theatre 1
      • Beginning Choir
      • Music Crash Course
      • Beginning Band
      • Beginning orchestra
      • Intermediate Orchestra
      • Advanced orchestra

  • If you think you might qualify for a fee waiver, we strongly encourage you to fill out an application. In order to complete a fee waiver application, you would need to submit proof of income. Acceptable proof includes: Most recent tax return, last 3 pay stubs or income statement, Medicaid Card, Verification of benefits for TANF/FEP or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Verification of students in foster care or state custody. Bring your proof to the main office and fill out an application.
  • Lastly there are applications for free and reduced lunch you can fill out online during registration. Those applications go to the district and do not require proof of income. Please also fill this out if you feel you qualify. 

**If you are unable to register your student online from home and/or you need to bring in your proof of income and fill out a fee waiver application, we will have walk in registration on 8/8, 8 am – 7 pm and 8/9, 8 am – 3 pm. 

***Please note: We are at capacity and have a long waitlist for permits. This means all of our classes are full and we are unable to make changes to schedules. There is a no schedule change policy. In February when classes were picked, you signed a document to agree to keep the classes you get. We ask that you keep this in mind when schedules are released.